FILENAME REFFILE '/home/mstear0/Eosinophil/EosinophilsKealy070521.xlsx'; *** proc import imports the file; PROC IMPORT DATAFILE=REFFILE DBMS=XLSX OUT=WORK.IMPORT Replace; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; data one; set work.import; Eosinophil_Count = Eosinophilsmicrolitre; Lamb = 'XXXX'; year= '2020'; if length(SampleID)=1 then Lamb = '000'||SampleID; if length(SampleID)=2 then Lamb = '00'||SampleID; if length(SampleID)=3 then Lamb = '0'||SampleID; keep Eosinophil_Count Lamb ; run; title 'Distribution of Eosinophils Curlew Merino stud 070521' ; proc univariate data=one noprint; var Eosinophil_Count; histogram Eosinophil_Count / gamma lognormal endpoints=0 to 600 by 50; run; title;