- Is proactive telephone-based breastfeeding peer support a cost-effective intervention? A within-trial cost-effectiveness analysis of the ‘Ringing Up about Breastfeeding earlY’ (RUBY) randomised controlled trial
- Understanding Mothers' Experiences of Being Ineligible to Donate Their Milk to a Not-for-Profit Milk Bank
- Incidence, antibiotic treatment and outcomes of lactational mastitis: Findings from The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa)
- Pharmacy access to the emergency contraceptive pill: A national survey of a random sample of Australian women
- Routinely collected infant feeding data: Time for global action
- A systematic review of maternal obesity and breastfeeding intention, initiation and duration
- Social theory and infant feeding
- Measurement tools and intensity of nipple pain among women with or without damaged nipples: A quantitative systematic review
- Service Provider Attitudes toward Evidence-Based Programs in an Australian Place-Based Initiative: Examining Organisational Roles and Evidence-Supportive Environments
- ‘Is there any point in me doing this?’ Views and experiences of women in the Diabetes and Antenatal Milk Expressing (DAME) trial
- Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis reveals no clear link between Staphylococcus epidermidis and acute mastitis
- Knowledge of Galactagogue Use During Breastfeeding in Australia: A Cross Sectional Online Survey
- Accreditation of midwife lactation consultants to perform infant tongue-tie release
- Infant feeding practices in the first 24-48 h of life in healthy term infants
- Does candida and/or staphylococcus play a role in nipple and breast pain in lactation? A cohort study in melbourne, australia
- Avoiding risk at what cost? Putting use of medicines for breastfeeding women into perspective
- Breastfeeding information in pharmacology textbooks: A content analysis
- Psychosocial correlates of exclusive breastfeeding: A systematic review
- A descriptive study of mastitis in Australian breastfeeding women: Incidence and determinants
- Maternal diet and breastfeeding: A case for rethinking physiological explanations for breastfeeding determinants
- Maternal bodies and medicines: A commentary on risk and decision-making of pregnant and breastfeeding women and health professionals
- Unintended pregnancy in Australia: What more can we do?
- The role of micro-organisms (Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans) in the pathogenesis of breast pain and infection in lactating women: Study protocol
- Provision of the emergency contraceptive pill without prescription: Attitudes and practices of pharmacists in Australia
- A prospective study of fluconazole treatment for breast and nipple thrush.
- Breastfeeding: Evidence based guidelines for the use of medicines
- Maternal obesity and initiation and duration of breastfeeding: Data from the longitudinal study of Australian children
- Maternal employment and breastfeeding: Results from the longitudinal study of Australian children
- Survey of patient satisfaction with the Breastfeeding Education and Support Services of the Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne
- Breastfeeding women's experience of expressing: A descriptive study
- GPs' decision-making when prescribing medicines for breastfeeding women: Content analysis of a survey
- Medicines for breastfeeding women: A postal survey of general practitioners in Victoria
- The emergency contraceptive pill rescheduled: A focus group study of women's knowledge, attitudes and experiences
- Effect of gestation on initiation and duration of breastfeeding
- Health professionals' advice for breastfeeding problems: Not good enough!
- Socioeconomic status and rates of breastfeeding in Australia: Evidence from three recent national health surveys
- Polymerase chain reaction in detection of Candida albicans for confirmation of clinical diagnosis of nipple thrush
- ABM clinical protocol #4: Mastitis - Revision, May 2008
- Emergency contraception
- Adolescent exposure to high-dose estrogen and subsequent effects on lactation
- Observational study found that skin‐to‐skin contact was not common after vaginal birth in Saudi Arabia
- Is onset of lactation delayed in women with diabetes in pregnancy? A systematic review
- Trauma-Informed Primary Healthcare for Parents: Multidisciplinary Experiences in Rural Service Implementation
- Ethical Issues in Use of Medications During Lactation
- It's time for global action to reinforce mother‐infant skin‐to‐skin contact policy
- Relationship between obesity and lower rates of breast feeding initiation in regional Victoria, Australia: an 8-year retrospective panel study
- Reliability of Markers for Breast Hypoplasia in the Early Postpartum Period
- Breastfeeding Practices and Problems Among Obese Women Compared with Nonobese Women in a Brazilian Hospital
- Research Challenges and Considerations in Investigating Rare Exposures Using Breast Hypoplasia as an Example
- Trends in clinical management of lactational mastitis among women attending Australian general practice: a national longitudinal study using MedicineInsight, 2011–2022
- Erratum: "Medicines and breastfeeding: Information is available on safe use" (Medical Journal of Australia (2007) vol. 186 (485))
- The treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infected sore nipples: a randomized comparative study.
- Women's knowledge and attitudes about emergency contraception: A survey in a Melbourne women's health clinic
- Breastfeeding and the introduction of solids in Australian infants: Data from the 2001 National Health Survey
- Infant feeding, poverty and human development
- The relationship between maternal smoking and breastfeeding duration after adjustment for maternal infant feeding intention
- Rates of breastfeeding in Australia by State and socio-economic status: Evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey
- Does maternal obesity adversely affect breastfeeding initiation and duration?
- International Breastfeeding Journal: Introducing a new journal
- Re: Breast-feeding, pain and infection (multiple letters) [1]
- Breastfeeding: Managing 'supply' difficulties
- Maternal smoking and reduced duration of breastfeeding: A review of possible mechanisms
- Reliability of the Hazelbaker Assessment Tool for Lingual Frenulum Function
- Do Indonesian medical practitioners approve the availability of emergency contraception over-the-counter? A survey of general practitioners and obstetricians in Jakarta
- Medicines and breastfeeding: Information is available on safe use [7]
- Policy on infant formula industry funding, support or sponsorship of articles submitted for publication
- Women's experience of lactational mastitis: 'I have never felt worse'
- A case-control study of mastitis: Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus
- A failed RCT to determine if antibiotics prevent mastitis: Cracked nipples colonized with Staphylococcus aureus: A randomized treatment trial [ISRCTN65289389]
- Two mid-pregnancy interventions to increase the initiation and duration of breastfeeding: A randomized controlled trial
- Painful nipples in nursing mothers.
- Does maternal smoking have a negative physiological effect on breastfeeding? The epidemiological evidence.
- Why do women stop breastfeeding? A closer look at 'not enough milk' among Israeli women in the Negev Region.
- Review of tongue-tie release at a tertiary maternity hospital
- Health and social circumstances of women admitted to a private mother baby unit. A descriptive cohort study.
- Does maternal smoking have a negative physiological effect on breastfeeding? The epidemiological evidence
- Breastfeeding and Staphylococcus aureus: three case reports.
- Incidence of breast abscess in lactating women: Report from an Australian cohort
- Nipple pain in breastfeeding
- Breast pain in lactating women--mastitis or something else?
- Health and social circumstances of women admitted to a private mother baby unit: A descriptive cohort study
- Genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Australia [15]
- Relationship between prenatal infant feeding intention and initiation and duration of breastfeeding: A cohort study
- The introduction of breast milk substitutes and solid foods: Evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey
- A descriptive survey of data collection in breastfeeding services at Victorian maternity hospitals.
- Rates of breastfeeding in Australia by state and socioeconomic status: evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey.
- Active and passive cigarette smoking and breast cancer: Is a real risk emerging? [3] (multiple letters)
- Mastitis: Are We Overprescribing Antibiotics?
- Rate of vasectomy rises with increasing income
- Myths about infant feeding. Facts or fiction?
- Smoking status of breastfeeding women [1]
- An Audit of Mastitis in the Emergency Department
- Baby friendly hospital initiative. For happier mothers and babies.
- Psychological aspects of nipple pain in lactating women
- Candida albicans: Is it associated with nipple pain in lactating women?
- Eczema of the nipple and breast: a case report.
- Patient education. Nipple problems while breastfeeding.
- Patient education. Establishing breastfeeding.
- Candida and the lactating breast: predisposing factors.
- Cool cabbages for hot breasts.
- Thrush in the ducts? [13]
- Patient education. Mastitis.
- Nipple pain, mastalgia and candidiasis in the lactating breast
- Breastfeeding debate.
- Does Antenatal Expressing Affect Onset of Lactogenesis for Women With Diabetes? Results From a Randomised Controlled Trial and Cohort Study