Jacinta Humphrey
Urban Ecologist (Landscape ecology; Ecology; Terrestrial ecology)
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Madagascan Day Geckos (Phelsuma spp.) Exhibit Differing Responses Along a Gradient of Land-Use Change
- Elliott traps found to be ineffective for the survey of swamp skink (Lissolepis coventryi): A cautionary tale of outdated survey guidelines
- Housing or habitat: What drives patterns of avian species richness in urbanized landscapes?
- A decade of nature: Evolving approaches to Melbourne’s ‘nature in the city’
- The noisy neighbor conundrum: What influences the value of urban sites for forest birds?
- Avoid, adapt or exploit: Re-visiting bird responses to urbanization using a novel landscape approach
- The noisy neighbor conundrum: what influences the value of urban sites for forest birds?