La Trobe


  • A multiple cross-cultural comparison of approaches to learning
  • Women's life-stories of a forgotten exile: The Istro-Dalmatian community in Australia,Storie al femminile di un esilio dimenticato: La comunità istro-dalmata in Australia
  • Il Gattopardo: Sicily, Italy, and the Supranational Cultural Imaginary
  • Spunti e Ricerche 33 (2018), "Women and Violence in Italian Literature" 2019
  • Traduire les passions dans la sixième
 des Histoire Tragiques de Pierre Boaistuau
  • Poesie - Sarah Kirsch
  • Colonising the Novel. Voice and Chorality in Ghermandi's Regina di fiori e di perle. Moving beyond to Redefine the Boundaries of Italian Literature
  • Reaching Out to the Other? Bora and the Wind of Forgiveness
  • The Ambivalence of the Stranger and Bernardo Bertolucci’s Besieged (1998)
  • Natura in versi: nove poesie
  • Volatile borders, Violated Identities: A Process of Cultural Transition
  • Intersecting Axes, Confusing Genres: Akram Khan’s "Vertical Road"
  • Engendering ontological cartographies: Igiaba Scego's reading of otherness
  • German literature in Italy. An introduction (1900-1920)
  • Torn identities: life-stories at the border of Italian literature
  • Storie al femminile di un esilio dimenticato: la comunita' istro-dalmata in Australia
  • Story and the Making of Identity: The Stork and the Elephant
  • Europe on a Plate: Food, Identity and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Europe
  • Vestigia di Postumia
  • Mentoring through the Centuries: On The Dynamics of Personal and Professional Growth
  • The New Year of the Woman? Women, Violence, and Social Change Today
  • A Complex Game of Liberation and Domination: Il Gattopardo, Sicilian oblivion, and Simonetta Agnello Hornby
  • “The ethics of care in a traditional rural society: Adopting a soul-child in Michela Murgia’s Sardinian novel Accabadora (2009)”
  • “Mentoring partnerships as avenues for growth”
  • Darkness Before Daybreak: African Migrants Living on the Margins in Southern Italy Today
  • Wavering Between Two Worlds: The Borderline Cutting Through Nelida Milani’s Istria

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