La Trobe
450904_Harvey,A_2018.pdf (825.7 kB)

Raising university participation of new migrants in regional communities

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posted on 2021-07-15, 02:52 authored by Andrew Harvey, Mark Mallman, Giovanna Szalkowicz, Anthony MoranAnthony Moran
Overall, our findings suggest a need for universities to work more expansively with schools and communities to support university awareness. In some cases, this work could involve working more closely with parents, community groups, cultural and religious organisations, beyond the traditional models of university outreach and in-reach with secondary schools. Universities may also need to expand and diversify their access policies, to consider the different forms of community, linguistic, spiritual and familial capital that students from different backgrounds can bring to the campus. Within the university, effective English language support remains critical, along with further strategies to promote understanding of diversity among staff. Harnessing diverse viewpoints within teaching and learning, and promoting a more inclusive campus climate remain areas of high priority. Finally, university staff will need to work closely with employers and community groups to minimise risks of unconscious bias and racism, and to promote the effectiveness of workforce diversity. New migrant groups represent an asset to regional universities and communities, but universities need to adapt to support the increasingly diverse communities they serve.


Australian Government Department of Education and Training


Publication Date


Commissioning Body

Australian Government Department of Education and Training

Type of report

  • Other research report


La Trobe University

Place of publication

Melbourne, Australia



Rights Statement

© Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research, La Trobe University 2018 This report may be downloaded for personal use only. Permission to reproduce this report must be sought from La Trobe University.

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