La Trobe

Pacific Islanders in Regional Victoria: Final Project Report

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Version 2 2023-08-02, 04:14
Version 1 2020-11-04, 03:40
posted on 2023-08-02, 04:14 authored by Helen LeeHelen Lee, Makiko NishitaniMakiko Nishitani, Dean WickhamDean Wickham

This project explored the socio‐economic status and well‐being of Pacific Islander migrants in rural northwest Victoria, focusing on the towns of Mildura and Robinvale in the Sunraysia region. It addressed five key research questions:

1. What are the implications for Pacific Islander communities in the region of their involvement with horticultural industries?

2. What issues do Pacific Islanders face in mobilising social capital and accessing public services?

3. What are the experiences and future aspirations of Pacific Islander youth in the region?

4. What is the nature of Pacific Islanders’ relationships with other ethnic groups in the region?

5. What trans‐local and transnational networks do Pacific Islanders in the region maintain?


Australian Research Council | LP150100385

La Trobe University, Research Focus Area, Transforming Human Societies | 2014


Publication Date


Commissioning Body

Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council

Type of report

  • Other research report


La Trobe University

Place of publication

Bundoora, Victoria



Rights Statement

© La Trobe University, 2019 This report may be downloaded for personal use only. Permission to reproduce this report must be sought from La Trobe University.