La Trobe
Peer_Insights_DAA_Uptake_Broadsheet No 3 for distribution.pdf (787.81 kB)

Hepatitis C Treatment Uptake - Peer Insights on Barriers and Motivators to Direct Acting Antiviral (DAA) Treatment Uptake (Broadsheet No.3)

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Version 2 2023-10-25, 01:16
Version 1 2021-08-13, 02:56
posted on 2023-10-25, 01:16 authored by Susan ChongSusan Chong, Graham BrownGraham Brown, Sione Crawford, Jane Dicka, Hunter Morgan, Angela Corry, Susan Carruthers, Gari-Emma Perry, Mary Harrod, Lucy Pepolim, Andy Heslop, Courtney HendersonCourtney Henderson

The knowledge and experience of people who inject drugs within peer programs is a vital asset for strategies for the scale-up of direct-acting antiviral treatment among people who inject drugs. This study is focused on translating these ‘real time’ peer insights into resources that support policy and programs to tailor to the needs of communities of people who inject. This tailoring is critical to achieving the goal of eliminating hepatitis C.

This report is the third and final in a series of three broadsheet reports. In this broadsheet, peer workers and peer volunteers located in country and regional areas inVictoria, WA and NSW, shared their insights on hepatitis C treatment uptake among their networks.


Department of Health, Commonwealth of Australia


Publication Date


Commissioning Body

Department of Health, Australian Government

Type of report

  • Public sector research report


Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University

Place of publication

Melbourne, Australia

Rights Statement

© ARCSHS, La Trobe University 2019

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