La Trobe

Allochthonous Carbon Loads and Potential Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations on Lindsay and Mulcra Island Floodplains During Environmental Watering

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posted on 2022-08-22, 00:28 authored by Ewen SilvesterEwen Silvester, Aleicia HollandAleicia Holland, Rochelle Petrie, Nick BondNick Bond

This project aimed to estimate organic litter loads at Mulcra and Lindsay floodplains, and to quantify potential concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leached from litter on the floodplains during managed flooding. Litter was collected from 4 vegetation communities, Red gum (RG), Black box (BB), Lignum (LG) and Other (OT), from sites within and outside the influence of managed inundation referred to herein as ‘watered’ and ‘unwatered’ sites, within each floodplain. Litter was subsequently fractionated into leaves, bark, sticks, plants and ‘other’ (which included all material not assigned to any one of the other categories) and weighed to determine mass (and percentages) of each fraction and overall total litter loads. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) leaching experiments were conducted to determine the potential amount of DOC produced from each material and to estimate potential total leachable DOC concentrations for each floodplain. 


Publication Date


Commissioning Body

Mallee Catchment Management Authority

Type of report

  • Public sector research report


Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems, La Trobe University

Place of publication

Wodonga, Victoria

Report Number

CFE Publication 228



Rights Statement

© Centre for Freshwater Ecosystems, La Trobe University 2019 No part may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the prior permission of La Trobe University.