Project Number: Biomonitoring of Newsprint Mill Wastewater for Norske Skog (formerly Fletcher Challenge Paper, and previous to that, Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd) – YH/6/21 and YH/6/21/3.
MDFRC item.
For listing of associated publications, see Biomonitoring of Newsprint Mill Wastewater for Norske Skog Part 1 (annual reports) and Part 2 (presentations and scientific publications).
To undertake biological and chemical monitoring of ANM’s wastewater discharge to the River Murray in accordance with New South Wales Environment Protection Agency licence No.01272 sections W10 (Ecotoxicological and Biological Monitoring) and W11 (River Environment Monitoring Surveys). The null hypothesis tested in all cases “that there is no difference between control water and wastewater treatments.”.
Funding agency: Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Client: Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd (now Norske Skog).
Publication Date
Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre.
Report Number
MDFRC Technical Report.
Rights Statement
Open Access. This report has been reproduce with the publishers permission. Permission to reproduce this report must be sought from the publisher. Copyright (1995) Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre.