La Trobe

The use of training aids for sport-specific skill development in racket and club sports: a scoping review protocol

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Version 3 2021-04-30, 07:32
Version 2 2021-01-04, 03:35
Version 1 2020-12-07, 04:07
posted on 2021-04-30, 07:32 authored by Nicholas BusuttilNicholas Busuttil, Alexandra RobertsAlexandra Roberts, Marcus Dunn, Molly Connolly, Kane MiddletonKane Middleton
This item is a preprint and has not yet undergone peer review.

Training aids have been used by sport coaches to help with the development of sport-specific skills. In racket and club sports, gripping the handle is an integral skill that requires specific expertise from instructors in the given sport to ensure that an athlete can execute strokes to either prevent injury or optimise performance. However, the effectiveness of training aids in the development of sport-specific motor skills is unknown. Therefore, the objective of this review is to provide an overview of the use of training aids for skill development in adolescent athletes in racket and club sports.


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La Trobe University

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