La Trobe

Enabling reflections - Embedding a reflective learning paradigm across a Tertiary Preparation Program course design.pdf

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Version 2 2020-09-28, 00:18
Version 1 2020-08-31, 01:27
posted on 2020-09-28, 00:18 authored by Carolyn O'Dwyer, Fran Lee
This poster charts a visual representation of the pedagogical principle and the embedded reflective learning paradigm developed to structure the design of an online tertiary enabling program. In 2017/2018, a face to face single semester enabling program underwent a redesign into fully online mode. In place of 4 x 15 credit point subjects, 18 x 5 credit point subjects were created to be offered across 6 online study periods multiple times through the academic year on a carousel model so that students could curate subject choices according to prior attainment and aspiration, and transition to undergraduate study on successful completion of 60 credit points. When combined with the complex learning needs of online enabling students, the nonlinear course structure, high level of flexibility and rapid subject turnover presented some specific challenges to a course wide educational design approach. The poster maps these and shows how they were aligned and managed



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