La Trobe

University accelerators and entrepreneurship education in Australia: substantive and symbolic motives

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-03-27, 03:52 authored by Alex MaritzAlex Maritz, Quan NguyenQuan Nguyen, Abhinav ShrivastavaAbhinav Shrivastava, Sergey Ivanov
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the status of university accelerators (UAs) in Australia, expanding a similar paper on related entrepreneurship education (EE) in 2019. The aim is to review neoteric global best practice UA, aligning context and specific inference to the impact of UAs in Australia.
Design/methodology/approach: The authors introduce an iterative and emergent inquiry into multi-method research, including a quantitative examination of Australian UAs, Leximancer algorithmic analyses of entrepreneurial strategic intent and narratives from best practice applications.
Findings: The paper highlights the sparse and inconsistent distribution across UAs in Australia, further characterized by significant symbolic motives of operation. Furthermore, the integration of EE evidenced on global UA is not as evident in Australia, highlighting outcomes more specific to the success of nascent (student) startups as opposed to educational outcomes.
Research limitations/implications: Limitations include the availability and accuracy of online documents and data, although implications have been mitigated using multi-method research design.Practical implications Despite the provision of critical grounding for practitioners and researchers in developing UAs, further research is recommended regarding the efficacy and impact of these accelerators.
Originality/value: This study is the first multi-methods emergent inquiry into UAs in Australia, coupled with integration of EE. The authors provide guidelines and inferences for researchers, educators, policymakers and practitioners alike as they seek to explore and act upon the impact of UAs.


Publication Date



Education + Training






20p. (p.654-673)





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