Troubling the Anthropocene: Donna Haraway, science fiction, and arts of un/naming
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journal contribution
posted on 2020-11-26, 02:27 authored by Noel GoughNoel Gough, Chessa Adsit-Morris© 2019 SAGE Publications. This article takes Donna Haraway’s Staying With the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene as a point of departure for troubling the largely uncontested acceptance of the Anthropocene as a matter of scientific “fact.” Our approach is informed by our methodological commitments to understanding writing as a mode of inquiry and our preference for diffraction (rather than reflection) in conceptualizing practices of reading and critique. The article is therefore organized around questions that Haraway’s text provokes, and our responses to them. We draw on various sources, including selected science fiction (SF) texts, to trouble practices of naming geological epochs and also to trouble some of the assumptions that Haraway makes in offering “Chthulucene” as an alternative name for our present epoch.
Publication Date
Cultural Studies - Critical MethodologiesVolume
3Article Number
UNSP 1532708619883311Pagination
p213-224 (12p.)Publisher
1532-7086Rights Statement
The Author reserves all moral rights over the deposited text and must be credited if any re-use occurs. Documents deposited in OPAL are the Open Access versions of outputs published elsewhere. Changes resulting from the publishing process may therefore not be reflected in this document. The final published version may be obtained via the publisher’s DOI. Please note that additional copyright and access restrictions may apply to the published version.Publisher DOI
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