La Trobe

The test–retest reliability of physiological and perceptual responses during treadmill load carriage

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posted on 2024-07-25, 06:44 authored by Danielle Vickery-HoweDanielle Vickery-Howe, Ben J Dascombe, Anthea ClarkeAnthea Clarke, Jace R Drain, Minh HuynhMinh Huynh, Kane MiddletonKane Middleton

Purpose: Understanding the test–retest reliability of physiological responses to load carriage influences the interpretation of those results. The aim of this study was to determine the test–retest reliability of physiological measures during loaded treadmill walking at 5.5 km h−1 using the MetaMax 3B. Methods: Fifteen Australian Army soldiers (9 male, 6 female) repeated two 12-min bouts of treadmill walking at 5.5 km h−1 in both a 7.2 kg Control condition (MetaMax 3B, replica rifle) and a 23.2 kg Patrol condition (Control condition plus vest) across three sessions, separated by one week. Expired respiratory gases and heart rate were continuously collected, with the final 3 min of data analysed. Ratings of Perceived Exertion and Omnibus-Resistance Exercise Scale were taken following each trial. Reliability was quantified by coefficient of variation (CV), intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), smallest worthwhile change (SWC), and standard error of the measurement. Results: Metabolic and cardiovascular variables were highly reliable (≤ 5% CV; excellent-moderate ICC), while the respiratory variables demonstrated moderate reliability (< 8% CV; good-moderate ICC) across both conditions. Perceptual ratings had poorer reliability during the Control condition (12–45% CV; poor ICC) than the Patrol condition (7–16% CV; good ICC). Conclusions: The test–retest reliability of metabolic and cardiovascular variables was high and relatively consistent during load carriage. Respiratory responses demonstrated moderate test–retest reliability; however, as the SWC differed with load carriage tasks, such data should be interpreted independently across loads. Perceptual measures demonstrated poor to moderate reliability during load carriage, and it is recommended that they only be employed as secondary measures.


Publication Date



European Journal of Applied Physiology




8p. (p. 2093-2100)


Springer Nature



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