Many undergraduate students are required to study statistics, but often struggle understanding concepts, lack engagement, lack confidence, or feel anxious about statistics. Kahoot is a game-based learning platform that can be used to increase student engagement and learning through real-time quizzes. This study aimed to evaluate the use of Kahoot on improving students’ experience of studying statistics in an undergraduate (year 2) course. Pre and post Likert scale questionnaires (including Statistical Anxiety Measure - SAM) were used to collect student responses about their statistics study experience. Questions related to anxiety, confidence, and for the post quiz, additional questions on the impact of Kahoot on behavioural engagement. Post survey results indicate positive changes in students’ perceptions towards studying statistics in terms of anxiety and confidence. Kahoot was shown to have a significant and positive effect on student confidence and was also linked to lowered anxiety. Despite limited data, help-seeking anxiety explained over 50% of variation in final exam performance. Further research is recommended on the effect of Kahoot on student anxiety when studying statistics, particularly as it relates to confidence and performance.
Publication Date
MSOR Connections
14p. (p. 41 - 54)
Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich