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Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8

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Version 2 2022-10-27, 05:41
Version 1 2022-10-27, 05:16
journal contribution
posted on 2022-10-27, 05:41 authored by E Coleman, AE Radix, WP Bouman, GR Brown, ALC de Vries, MB Deutsch, R Ettner, L Fraser, M Goodman, J Green, AB Hancock, TW Johnson, DH Karasic, GA Knudson, SF Leibowitz, HFL Meyer-Bahlburg, SJ Monstrey, J Motmans, L Nahata, TO Nieder, SL Reisner, C Richards, LS Schechter, V Tangpricha, AC Tishelman, MAA Van Trotsenburg, S Winter, K Ducheny, NJ Adams, TM Adrián, LR Allen, David AzulDavid Azul, H Bagga, K Başar, DS Bathory, JJ Belinky, DR Berg, JU Berli, RO Bluebond-Langner, M-B Bouman, ML Bowers, PJ Brassard, J Byrne, L Capitán, CJ Cargill, JM Carswell, SC Chang, G Chelvakumar, T Corneil, KB Dalke, G De Cuypere, E de Vries, M Den Heijer, AH Devor, C Dhejne, A D’Marco, EK Edmiston, L Edwards-Leeper, R Ehrbar, D Ehrensaft, J Eisfeld, E Elaut, L Erickson-Schroth, JL Feldman, AD Fisher, MM Garcia, L Gijs, SE Green, BP Hall, TLD Hardy, MS Irwig, LA Jacobs, AC Janssen, K Johnson, DT Klink, BPC Kreukels, LE Kuper, EJ Kvach, MA Malouf, R Massey, T Mazur, C McLachlan, SD Morrison, SW Mosser, PM Neira, U Nygren, JM Oates, J Obedin-Maliver, G Pagkalos, J Patton, N Phanuphak, K Rachlin, T Reed, GN Rider, J Ristori, S Robbins-Cherry, SA Roberts, KA Rodriguez-Wallberg, SM Rosenthal, K Sabir, JD Safer, AI Scheim, LJ Seal, TJ Sehoole, K Spencer, C St. Amand, TD Steensma, JF Strang, GB Taylor, K Tilleman, GG T’Sjoen, LN Vala, NM Van Mello, JF Veale, JA Vencill, B Vincent, LM Wesp, MA West, J Arcelus
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Publication Date



International Journal of Transgender Health






p.259 (p. S1-S259)


Taylor & Francis



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