La Trobe

Scoping response system management of alcohol's harm to others in lower middle income countries

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posted on 2022-11-18, 04:07 authored by Anne-Marie LaslettAnne-Marie Laslett, O Waleewong, I Obot, V Benegal, S Hettige, R Florenzano, TMH Hoang, TMH Vu, GN Rao, Robin RoomRobin Room
AIMS - As part of the WHO Harm from others' drinking project, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Chile, Nigeria and Vietnam undertook scoping studies to examine: which service agencies in low and middle income countries responded to people affected by others' drinking; how commonly key informants from these agencies indicated alcohol was part of the problems they managed; and whether any routine reporting systems collected information on alcohol's harm to others (AHTO) and the types and examples of harms experienced across the six countries. METHODS - Researchers synthetised within country peer-review literature, reports, news and agency website information. Additionally, researchers interviewed key informants to investigate current structures, functions and practices of service agencies, and in particular their recording practices surrounding cases involving others' drinking. RESULTS - 111 key informants agreed to participate from 91 purposively selected agencies from health, social protection, justice and police, and 'other' sectors. National and provincial level data, as well as state-run and civil society agency data were collected. Diverse service response systems managed AHTO in the different countries. A large range in the percentage of all cases attributed to AHTO was identified. Case story examples from each country illustrate the different responses to, and the nature of, many severe problems experienced because of others' drinking. CONCLUSIONS - AHTO was a major issue for service systems in LMIC, and significantly contributed to their workload, yet, very few recording systems routinely collected AHTO data. Recommendations are outlined to improve AHTO data collection across multiple sectors and enable LMIC to better identify and respond to AHTO.


This paper is part of the Harm to Others from Drinking project, a collaborative international project funded by the World Health Organization and the Thai Health Promotion Foundation (ThaiHealth) involving (in this paper) six national research teams. The proposal was developed within the framework of the WHO international collaborative research initiative on Alcohol, Health and Development. The project is coordinated by the WHO Management of Substance Abuse team in the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization and the International Health Policy Program (IHPP), Thailand with support from the Center for Alcohol Studies, Thailand. The Centre for Alcohol Policy Research, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia provides technical support and central data management for the project implementation. In addition to resources to support studies and work from ThaiHealth and the World Health Organization, funding or in-kind support was provided from national resources to support the national study in each site. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia (#1065610, #1090904) and the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), an independent, not-for-profit organisation working to stop the harm caused by alcohol have contributed to Laslett's and Room's staff costs.


Publication Date



Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs






22p. (p. 515-536)


De Gruyter



Rights Statement

© 2016 Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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