Preservation of the Tibial Stump During Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Surgery Did Not Increase the Rate of Surgery for Symptomatic Cyclops Lesions
Background: Preservation of the tibial stump during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is controversial. While proposed benefits include enhanced graft revascularization, improved proprioception, and decreased graft rupture rates, a potential complication is the development of a symptomatic cyclops lesion. It is therefore important to determine whether any benefits outweigh potential complications. Purpose: To determine whether greater preservation of the tibial stump remnant would be associated with a decreased graft rupture rate without a concomitant increase in the rate of surgery for symptomatic cyclops lesions at 2 years after ACLR. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: A cohort of 658 patients in whom the amount of tibial stump preserved was classified as no stump (n = 228), <50% (n = 342), or >50% (n = 88) was followed up for 2 years, with graft ruptures and surgical treatment for cyclops lesions recorded. Contingency and Kaplan-Meier survival analyses were used to determine trends among the 3 remnant preservation groups in terms of graft rupture rates and surgery for cyclops lesions. Subgroup analysis was also conducted to examine sex-based differences. Results: There was no significant association between graft rupture rates and remnant preservation. There was a significant trend for fewer operations for symptomatic cyclops lesions with greater remnant preservation when the entire cohort was analyzed (P =.04) and also when only female patients were analyzed (P =.04). Conclusion: Although preservation of the tibial stump remnant was not associated with a reduced graft rupture rate, it was also not associated with increased rates of surgery for symptomatic cyclops lesions.
Publication Date
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine
Article Number
ARTN 2325967121992517
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