Six new species of Australian crane fly are described: Molophilus (Molophilus) avia sp. nov., M. (Molophilus) globostylus sp. nov., M. (Molophilus) sinuostylus sp. nov., M. (Molophilus) chichester sp. nov., M. (Molophilus) trispina sp. nov., and Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) globosa sp. nov. The poorly known species M. (Molophilus) flavocingulatus Alexander, 1928, Teucholabis reginae Alexander, 1931, Hexatoma metallica Schiner, 1868, Skuseomyia eximia Alexander, 1924, Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) monacha Alexander, 1953, Elephantomyia (Elephantomyodes) fumicosta Alexander, 1922, Orimarga joana Alexander, 1926, and Thrypticomyia aureipennis Skuse, 1890 are discussed and figured. In addition, the hitherto unknown females of M. (Molophilus) bawbawiensis and M. (Molophilus) opulus are described and figures of their ovipositors are provided.