posted on 2023-03-24, 10:23authored byNicholas Taylor
Professor Nick Taylor, Deputy Director of the Musculoskeletal Research Centre at La Trobe University, Melbourne, provides an outline of the latest research conducted by the Muscle Function and Rehabilitation Research Group which he leads. The Muscle Function and Rehabilitation Research Group in the MRC comprises researchers from physiotherapy, podiatry and human biosciences. The group has two major streams of research: first, laboratory-based studies on the anatomical and physiological bases of muscle function; and second, the application and effects of strength training programs on people with a disability.
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Australian Physiotherapy Association.
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Open Access. This article has been reproduced with permission. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Permission to reproduce this article must be sought from the Australian Physiotherapy Association. This article was published in the MPA intouch magazine, (3): 12-14, 2008. Copyright (2008) Australian Physiotherapy Association.