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Enacting person-centred care in home care services for people with dementia

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-06-24, 01:19 authored by R Hedman, PO Sandman, David EdvardssonDavid Edvardsson
Aims and objectives: To develop the theoretical understanding of the process of providing person-centred home care for people with dementia. Background: People with dementia are increasingly cared for at home by family members and home care staff. Care of people with dementia should be person-centred; however, little is known about how home care staff understand and enact person-centred care in their daily work. Design: Grounded theory. Methods: Home care staff (n = 29) were recruited from home care services specialised in providing care for people with dementia. Group interviews were conducted, and a tentative theoretical model for providing person-centred home care to people with dementia was outlined. Nine of the participants were then individually interviewed to further develop the model. The analysis was conducted parallel to the data collection, and hypotheses concerning the evolving theoretical model were continuously tested in the following interviews. The COREQ checklist for qualitative studies was used in reporting the study. Results: Person-centred home care of people with dementia was conceptualised as a series of processes: Getting ready, getting in, giving care, getting out and finalising the story, each with subprocesses. Theatre metaphors were used to describe how the care was provided. A core process, Enacting and re-enacting familiarity, was at centre in all processes. Conclusions: In the person-centred care of people with dementia, familiarity had to be established and continuously fostered. When familiarity was in place, the care recipient and the home care staff acted as a team to perform the care. The theoretical works of Goffman were used to interpret the results. Relevance to clinical practice: The study provides a model for person-centred care of people with dementia at home that deepens the understanding of its processes, prerequisites and outcomes. The model can inform education and administration of home care for people with dementia.


The study was funded by FORTE: The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare


Publication Date



Journal of Clinical Nursing






12p. (p. 1519-1530)





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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Clinical Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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