La Trobe

Elevated CO2 increases nitrogen fixation at the reproductive phase contributing to various yield responses of soybean cultivars

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-06, 05:12 authored by Yansheng Li, Zhenhua Yu, Xiaobing Liu, Ulrike Mathesius, Guanghua Wang, Caixian TangCaixian Tang, Junjiang Wu, Judong Liu, Shaoqing Zhang, Jian JinJian Jin
© 2017 Li, Yu, Liu, Mathesius, Wang, Tang, Wu, Liu, Zhang and Jin. Nitrogen deficiency limits crop performance under elevated CO2 (eCO2), depending on the ability of plant N uptake. However, the dynamics and redistribution of N2 fixation, and fertilizer and soil N use in legumes under eCO2 have been little studied. Such an investigation is essential to improve the adaptability of legumes to climate change. We took advantage of genotype-specific responses of soybean to increased CO2 to test which N-uptake phenotypes are most strongly related to enhanced yield. Eight soybean cultivars were grown in open-top chambers with either 390 ppm (aCO2) or 550 ppm CO2 (eCO2). The plants were supplied with 100mg N kg−1 soil as15N-labeled calcium nitrate, and harvested at the initial seed-filling (R5) and full-mature (R8) stages. Increased yield in response to eCO2 correlated highly (r = 0.95) with an increase in symbiotically fixed N during the R5 to R8 stage. In contrast, eCO2 only led to small increases in the uptake of fertilizer-derived and soil-derived N during R5 to R8, and these increases did not correlate with enhanced yield. Elevated CO2 also decreased the proportion of seed N redistributed from shoot to seeds, and this decrease strongly correlated with increased yield. Moreover, the total N uptake was associated with increases in fixed-N per nodule in response to eCO2, but not with changes in nodule biomass, nodule density, or root length.


Publication Date



Frontiers in Plant Science



Article Number



10p. (p. 1-10)


Frontiers Research Foundation



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