The milk mid-infrared spectral data were obtained as part of the MIRforProfit project "Integrating very large genomic and milk mid-infrared data to improve profitability of dairy cows," funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture (Canberra, Australia) as part of the Rural R&D for Profit program. The authors thank DairyBio project, funded by Dairy Australia (Melbourne, Australia); The Gardiner Foundation (Melbourne, Australia); and Agriculture Victoria (Melbourne, Australia) for supporting this research. The staff of DataGene (Melbourne, Australia) are gratefully acknowledged for providing the data used in this study. Special thanks are given to Peter Nish from TasHerd Pty. Ltd. (Hadspen, Tasmania, Australia) for providing MIR spectral data, Hico Pty. Ltd. (Maffra, Victoria, Australia) for collecting milk samples, and the farmers whose data were used. The first author, Pauline Delhez, who is Research Fellow of the National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS, Brussels, Belgium), completed this research while on a sabbatical at Agriculture Victoria, supported by the FNRS and the University of Liege through funding for research stays abroad. The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest.
Publication Date
Journal of Dairy Science
11p. (p. 3264-3274)
American Dairy Science Association
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