Introduction: Correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among a large cross-section of trans and gender diverse populations in Australia were examined. Methods: A national survey was conducted that included 1466 trans and gender diverse participants aged 18+ years. Multivariable regressions identified factors associated with recent suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Results: Overall, 62.4% reported suicidal ideation and 9.5% suicide attempt in the past 12 months. The likelihood of suicidal ideation was higher for younger participants or those who felt treated unfairly or socially excluded due to their gender identity in the past 12 months. It was lower for those with a postgraduate degree, who felt accepted by family or work, or who felt their gender identity was respected when accessing a mainstream medical clinic in the past 12 months. The likelihood of suicide attempts was greater for those aged younger or who had recently experienced sexual harassment based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and lower for those who were non-binary. Conclusion: Urgent attention for suicide prevention is necessary for trans and gender diverse communities. These findings point to a range of risk and protective factors, which may help inform the targeting and design of suicide prevention strategies.
Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services; Victorian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet.