Objective: To examine the extent and nature of coverage of nutrition in the Koori Mail. Methods: Content and framing analysis were used to examine articles in the Koori Mail published between 2013 and 2017 that included the terms ‘nutrition∗’, ‘diet∗’, ‘food’, ‘eating’, ‘weight’, ‘tucker’ or ‘sugary drinks’. The analysis focused on the portrayal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/communities, inclusion of First Peoples’ voices and the framing of nutrition issues. Results: A total of 102 articles were included. Most articles (88%, n=90) portrayed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in a neutral or positive way and more than half (53%, n=54) included an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander voice. While nutrition was often framed as an individual or community responsibility, articles predominantly promoted programs or initiatives undertaken in local communities. Conclusion: Despite the limited prominence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition in the mainstream media, the coverage of nutrition issues in the Koori Mail demonstrates the salience of this topic for local communities. This study highlights how journalism can better reflect the diversity and strengths of First Peoples. Implications for public health: Including more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and using a strengths-based approach in press releases may improve media advocacy.
The authors acknowledge that this project was completed with the assistance of a La Trobe University Social Research Assistance Platform Grant.
Publication Date
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
6p. (p. 180-185)
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