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A revision of Olearia section Asterotriche (Asteraceae: Asterae)

journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-21, 06:36 authored by Andre MessinaAndre Messina, NG Walsh, Susan HoebeeSusan Hoebee, Peter GreenPeter Green
© CSIRO 2014. Recent molecular work on Olearia s.l. has not supported current generic or sectional concepts, instead identifying two major lineages loosely based on distribution. Further work is required to adequately circumscribe Olearia s.s. The present study aimed to determine the monophyly of Australian stellate-haired species of Olearia. Using four molecular regions (ITS, psbA-trnH, rpl32-trnL and matK) sequenced from 27 species, Australian stellate-haired taxa were confirmed as monophyletic. Accordingly, Olearia section Asterotriche is redefined here to include only Australian species. This section is one of the few confirmed natural groups in Olearia. Section Asterotriche is closely associated with, but does not include, the type species of Olearia, O. tomentosa (J.C.Wendl.) DC. Given this close association to the type, section Asterotriche should be retained within Olearia, pending further research that would justify any future changes. This manuscript concludes with a monograph of section Asterotriche, in it six new subspecies are described and nine taxa are lectotypified.


Funding for this project was provided by the Hansjorg Eicher Reasearch Fund of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society, and the Australian Government BushBlitz PhD Research Fund Supplement. We thank staff at BM, BRI, CANB, FI, G-DC, HO, K, PERTH and MEL for loans, access to specimens and data, and K and MEL for providing type images for this publication; and Wayne Gebert (MEL) for photographing type specimens. We also thank Mike Bayly, Jan Strugnell, Nick Murphy, Dan Murphy and Liz James for assisting with phylogentic analyses; Alison Kellow for assistance with preparation of this manuscript; Phil Short for input into the structure of the species descriptions and nomenclature; Alex Fink for assisting with scanning electron microscopy; Lachlan Copeland, Tony Bean, Alex Buchanan, Matt Baker, David Cameron and Val Stajsic for assisting with planning and preparation of field work; and Nick Shaw, Megan Good, Erin Cox, James Shannon, Karen Muscat, and Verity Fyfe for the great company in the bush.


Publication Date



Australian Systematic Botany






42p. (p. 199-240)


CSIRO Publishing



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