This is a short essay on dialogue, culture and identities. In addition to the public good policy adopted by the Catalan Government over the last four decades, it examines the Catalan language from a commons-based perspective. It contends that its survival and evolution in a digital age will mainly depend on the social institutions that can be created to manage it as a commons good. To foster cultural innovation and plurality, against diglossic stances, blockchain technologies could be used by Catalan speakers to create a social community to freely manage their own language.
Publication Date
25 Col.loquis de Vic
Monserrat J
Roviró I
Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), Catalan Society of Philosophy []
Place of publication
Barcelona [ Cornell]
7p. (p. 1-7)
Name of conference
25th Col.loquis de Vic
Vic, Barcelona, Spain (virtual)
Starting Date
Finshing Date
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