This paper investigates the impacts of train commuters’ access modes on road safety at a networkwide level, using a case study in Victoria, Australia. Crash and census data were aggregated at the Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1) for the analysis. Results of negative binomial regression models illustrate positive effects of using train for commuting, either with walking or car access modes, on reducing both total crashes and severe crashes. The safety effects of commuting by train with the cycling access mode appear to be positive, which however were not statistically significant.
Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference
M. Johnson
R.H. Grzebieta
Australasian College of Road Safety
Place of publication
Pearce, ACT
2 p.
Name of conference
2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference
Melbourne, Vic.
Starting Date
Finshing Date
Rights Statement
The Author reserves all moral rights over the deposited text and must be credited if any re-use occurs. Authors retain copyright of submissions presented at the Australasian Road Safety Conferences.