La Trobe
661-ASCILITE Conference Concise Paper-5018-1-10-20231128 (1).pdf (450.66 kB)

All You Need is Love (for Data) Enhancing Practicum Experiences for Sport and Exercise Science Students through Learning Analytics

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This study illustrates the potential of data-centric methodologies in enriching the practicum experiences of Sport and Exercise Science (SES) undergraduates. By amalgamating learning analytics and text mining, we extract actionable insights from practicum reflections. Automated report generation and data visualisation techniques enable quickidentification of students requiring intervention, while text miningand sentiment analysis decode the prevalent themes in practicum experiences. The resulting insightspotentially enable personalised, data-informed support strategies, fostering improved student satisfaction, practicum outcomes, and industry-relevant course design. The fusion of data and pedagogy illustrated in this research underscores the potential for data-driven strategies in enhancing tertiary education.


Publication Date



The proceedings of the 2023 ASCILITE Conference: People, Partnerships and Pedagogies

Name of conference

2023: ASCILITE 2023 Conference Proceedings: People, Partnerships and Pedagogies


Te Pae Conference Center, Christchurch, New Zealand

Starting Date


Finshing Date


Rights Statement

© Suppiah, H., Grant, M., Gastin, P., Driller, M., James, L., Hyunh, M., Govus, A., Varley, M.,& Perry, K. 2023. The author(s) assign a Creative Commons by attribution license enabling others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon their work, even commercially, as long as credit is given to the author(s) for the original creation.