La Trobe

The global dust project: aisles of the dead

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Version 3 2024-11-27, 04:17
Version 2 2024-07-14, 22:58
Version 1 2024-07-12, 04:48
posted on 2024-11-27, 04:17 authored by Michael Brennan, Agathe Lise-PronovostAgathe Lise-Pronovost, La Trobe Art InstituteLa Trobe Art Institute

This publication accompanied the exhibition, the Global Dust Project: Isles of the Dead a solo exhibition by Melbourne based artist Hannah Bertram at La Trobe University Museum of Art, Melbourne 15 April to 19 June 2015. Curated by Michael Brennan and Anita La Pietra. This exhibition includes framed works and an installation of Bertram's ongoing dust collection project. Included are used dust cloths, a dust archive and a large installation of stenciled dust tiles. The exhibition explored ideas of temporality, deep time and scientific study. The publication includes an introduction by Michael Brennan, an essay by Agathe Lise-Pronovost, an archival catalogue, and 33 illustrations (colour)



Michael Brennan, Anita La Pietra


Hannah Bertram

Year of publication



La Trobe Art Institute


21 x 21 cm