Rivers of gold
This publication accompanied the group exhibition ‘Rivers of Gold’ at La Trobe Art Institute, Bendigo, from 1 February to 10 March 2019. The exhibition was curated by Jude Macklin as part of the Australian Research Council project, ‘Rivers of Gold: the legacy of historical gold mining for Victoria’s rivers 2017–2020’, led by Professor Susan Lawrence (La Trobe University) and Mark Macklin (University of Lincoln).
The publication was produced by La Trobe University in partnership with Aberystwyth Printmakers Argraffwyr, University of Lincoln, Print Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, Federation University Australia and Griffith University, Queensland College of Art.
The exhibition featured the work of forty artists from Australia, New Zealand and the UK, who took part in an international print exchange where they created a print that reflected on the legacies of gold mining in their respective regions.
The publication includes opening remarks by Jude and Mark Macklin, a foreword by Susan Lawrence, artists’ statements and 39 illustrations (colour).